Students indoctrinated with evolution fantasy
To the editor:
The 9-13-2024 ‘What’s wrong with American schools?’ by Laura Hollis, rightly implies that ‘Declining academic performance, shrinking numbers of Americans qualified to enter technical fields, violence and truancy’ problems need to be fixed. But it doesn’t mention the problem of parents who will not discipline their children or help them with homework; just send them off to school and let the teachers struggle with disruptive students.
In addition, we have the government helping to create a depressing atheistic environment by indoctrinating students with evolution fantasy.
The final draft of the 2019 Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in Science is to be implemented this school year (2024-25). Having looked over the documents in benchmark 9L., and National Academy of Sciences’ (A Framework for K-12 Science Education LS4.A), I found nothing even close to how molecules change into complex molecular machines. All that was supplied were inferences of how evolution ‘might work’.
Ponder this: Each cell (neuron) in the human brain has up to 10,000 wires (fibers) that extend out to a connector (synapse). Each of these 10,000 connectors houses over 2,000 specialized molecular machines, turning it into a computerized hub for obtaining fast communications between neuron cells, along with performing other tasks for energy production, maintenance, and manufacturing, for use within the synapse.
In addition, there are up to 10 million factories (ribosomes) in each of the 86 billion neuron cells in your brain, cranking out a variety of complex parts and machines. With all manufacturing being regulated with the help of over 100 trillion computerized synapses connected by over 109,000 miles of wiring, it’s easy to see why the human brain probably has more information-processing units than all computers, routers, and internet connections on Earth.
Stating that all this highly regulated complexity comes about without intellectual input is complete nonsense. No one seems able to defend macro-evolution; so why is government pushing this stuff into the brains of public-school students?
Answer; ‘To keep God the creator out of the school’.
Phil Drietz