
As Randy Moss would say, ‘Come on, Man!’

To the Editor:

Why does the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), an institution desired to possess the wisdom of Solomon, choose to deal in hypotheticals and ignore the clear and present danger of a former President, bent upon becoming a dictator, thereby rendering our democracy null and void? (Would a Supreme Court be necessary if the wannabe dictator has an opportunity to get himself back into power again? That’s NOT a hypothetical: that’s what he’s purported as his agenda from day one into a second term.)

If they (SCOTUS) would like to exercise their hypothetical prognostications, what if President Joe Biden were to flex his presidential power of absolute immunity and order a hit on the previous President and all of his ardent supporters? What’s good for the goose… (How’s that for a “What if” in support of a President’s need for absolute immunity?)

Maybe SCOTUS is unfamiliar with my “Wisdom of Solomon” allusion, and if that’s true, they probably also think that 2 (“two,” not second) Corinthians is a burger joint or a trendy new watering hole.

Come on, SCOTUS! You’ve had more than three years. You all had to have seen this coming. You’ve had that long to formulate some opinions and maybe a few pointed questions. Your time to act is now, not in a hypothetical future of which no one can be certain.

You can’t leave the Trump-fearing citizenry twisting in the wind. Ever since COVID revealed his utter stupidity and criminal and uncouth behavior, I’ve been watching, reading, and chronicling his embarrassing incompetence and unfitness to hold the delicate office of the President of the United States.

It may be good for his followers. It’s frustrating for people like me to watch as Trump daily remains an anathema for the American public and a frightening nincompoop for us and in the eyes of the rest of the free world. Putin be damned!

As much as the former President pretends to be running again for that office, we all know he’d rather be golfing and basking in the glow of his twilight years with his adoring families dutifully by his side. SCOTUS, you can free him from clinging to his hope from his Right-wing, hand-picked insurance policy. (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett, you know who you are.)

This all is just a ploy to stay out of prison, and you can likely release him from this purgatory between freedom and a staid life of incarceration. It’s cruel and unusual punishment for him and us, his detractors, who have to live in dread of his actually being allowed a shot at a presidency of revenge and retribution.

How about a plea deal? Drop out of the race and agree to life of house arrest at Mar-a-Lago. Donald could golf and golf, and if he really got bored, maybe he could read some of those classified documents he ignored while in the White House.

Come on, Man. It’s a sweet deal. Of course, he could still have time off to make his court appearances for previous bad behaviors.

Keith R. Klawitter


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