
Donate to the Park & Rec pickleball fund

To the editor:

It’s almost summer. As a substitute teacher, that means I’m free to ride my bike to the park and play pickleball with my friends all morning long. Just like when I was 10 years old, playing at the park is the highlight of my summer days.

New Ulm has very good pickleball facilities and we are fortunate that our city is investing in the Lincoln Park outdoor pickleball courts this year. Pickleball is a wonderful physical and social outlet in my family’s lives and in many other New Ulm residents’ as well. It’s become very popular at the middle school, with teenagers, and MLC students as well as with families, working and retired folks. Pickleball brings people together and connects them with a healthy activity whether they’re 12 or 75 years old.

There are several pickleball groups that are loosely organized in order to play but New Ulm has no Pickleball Association (organization takes time away from playing pickleball). I propose that those interested in playing pickleball in New Ulm for years to come can donate directly to a Pickleball restricted-use fund within the Park and Rec department for improvements and expansion of the pickleball facilities.

I trust that Joey Schugel will keep pickleballer’s interests in mind when making decisions as he communicates regularly with the groups using the facilities. My family will be donating to the pickleball fund that is being set up by the city finance department for the Park & Rec.

If you like to play pickleball or enjoy seeing people staying physically and socially active, I urge you to do so as well. Use the online Give and Grow option for staff to contact you or bring a check to City Hall.

Laura Schotzko

New Ulm


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