
Attend your precinct caucus

To the editor:

As leaders of the local Republican and Democratic parties in Brown County, we encourage you to attend your 2024 precinct caucus on Tuesday, Feb. 27.

The precinct caucus is the first step in the Minnesota political process. It is a gathering of neighbors with similar political beliefs who come together to talk about issues, learn about the candidates running for office, make recommendations for changes in your party’s platform, and choose delegates to represent you at upcoming county conventions and beyond.

Minnesotans are fortunate to have this grassroots-level event, where ordinary citizens have the opportunity to participate not only in the selection of the candidates who will represent your political party, but also in defining the issues and positions under which those candidates will run for office. It is participation citizen democracy in action.

Whether you want to just listen and observe or to actively participate, we encourage you to spend some time on the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 27, attending your local precinct caucus. The caucus will begin promptly at 7 p.m. Arrive early for registration at 6:30 p.m.

For residents of New Ulm and the surrounding townships, the Republican caucus will be held at the New Ulm Community Center, 600 North German Street, while the Democratic caucus will be held at the New Ulm High School Commons Area. Sleepy Eye area caucuses will be held at the Sleepy Eye Public School cafeteria for Republicans and the Sleepy Eye Elementary School library for the Democrats. Springfield and Comfrey area Republicans caucus at the Springfield American Legion and the Democrats caucus at the Sleepy Eye Elementary School Library. Hanska area Republicans caucus at the New Ulm Community Center while the Democrats caucus at the Hanska Community Center. For a detailed listing of caucus locations in Brown County, contact the County Auditor’s office or visit the website for the Minnesota Secretary of State.

We also encourage you to vote in the Presidential Primary Election March 5. Early voting is now open.

Greg Bartz,

Chair of Brown County Republican Committee

Lori Sellner,

Chair of Brown County DFL Committee


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