
Time to face the truth

To the Editor:

Can you connect the dots, to see a true picture, of what has happened to America, and her people? When the truth is punished, when the truth is ignored, when the truth is rejected., when the truth is mocked, when the truth is rebelled against, when the truth is slandered, when the truth is hated and despised, then the country and her people lose faith in God and die spiritually. The country and her people lose their common sense. The country and her people become impolite, immoral, dark, sin filled, and evil. The country and her people become carnal, sensual, hedonistic, and man centered. The country and her people lose their purity, wholesomeness, and Godly values. The country and her people become fearful, cold, hard, and calloused. The country and her people appear lost, as they wander about, having no direction. The country and her people become anti-Bible, anti-Christ, and anti-God. The country and her people lose their power and strength. The country and her people turn to psychology, positive thinking, self-help books, drug, alcohol, entertainment, gluttony of food, and sex to “solve” their “problems — to “feel” better and to escape reality. The country and her people become loud, proud, cocky, arrogant, money loving, greedy, pleasure seeking, and materialistic. The country and her people become fake, false, shallow, empty, and suicidal. The country and her people become very divided and filled with hatred. The country and her people go into bondage and slavery to illusions, delusions, fantasies, and dreams.

There now that gives a true picture of what has happened to America, and her people. And the above very clearly reveals how vitally important the truth is. The king James Holy Bible, states the fact and reality thats The truth is the word of God, (John 14:6;John 17:17). The truth is a lamp and a light,(Psalm 119:105). The truth makes us free, (John 8:32,36). The truth is powerful, alive, living, Spirit, and is life, (Hebrews 4:12; John 6:63).

So then, often times, the truth will hurt us. But, we must, for the love of God and for our own sanity, health, and healing, face the truth, embrace the truth, know the truth, love the truth, cherish the truth, respect the truth, revere the truth, esteem the truth…follow the truth, and obey the truth. And by the way, and most importantly — the Lord Jesus Christ is the truth.

William Cooling

New Ulm

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