
Thank you, Rep. Torkelson

To the editor:

I read Rep. Paul Torkelson’s letter to the editor in The Journal back on April 6. In the letter, Paul commented on Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s recent visit to Oak Hills Living Center in New Ulm.

Torkelson states that Sen. Klobuchar said she wants to do something to help the nursing homes in our state. Torkelson thanked Sen.Klobuchar for that, and I thank her also.

Recently, on Minnesota news networks I heard that four of the Democrats’ main goals are: 1. more abortion rights; 2. giving felons voting rights; 3. giving drivers licenses to undocumented people, and 4. legalizing recreational marijuana.

Instead of these four objectives, I would rather see the Democrats work with the Republicans and concentrate on more funding and resources for law enforcement, assisted living and nursing homes.

I got to know Paul Torkelson about 15 years ago. I attended a field trip to the state capitol with my son and his middle school class. Paul introduced himself to my son’s class. He took us on a tour of the Capitol. Paul took us through the different offices and meeting rooms of the capitol.

He explained to us how the branches of the government work. It was a great field trip.

Years later, I reached out to Torkelson about some questions I had. Paul gave me some advice and gave me the name of a gentleman in the Walz staff. Paul informed me that this individual was in the departemnt of the Walz staff that pertained to my concern. This was before Walz was governor of our state. Walz was then a U.S. Congressman. Either way, both Rep.Torkelson and the gentleman in the Walz staff helped with my concerns, and I thank them both.

I believe there’s a reason Paul Torkelson has won 8 consecutive terms to the Minnesota House. Paul cares about the well-being of his district and state.

Randy Kraus

New Ulm


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