
Welcome home Vietnam War veterans

To the editor:

On March 29 we observe Vietnam War Veterans Day. President Barak Obama proclaimed it, in 2012, and President Donald Trump later signed legislation to establish it, in 2017. Approximately 2,710,000 American service men and women served in the Vietnam theater and approximately 58,220 died because of it. In terms of American war dead in America’s conflicts, the Vietnam war was the 4th costliest, with the Civil War, World War II and the 1st World War being greater.

It was a divisive war with many citizens protesting against it. The draft was still being used and many young men really did not have much of a choice but to go into the military. Those that returned home were in many cases ridiculed, called vile names and spit on while wearing their uniforms. They were only doing what our government required of them. The only people that really welcomed them home were family and friends.

On Wednesday, March 29, if you know of a Vietnam Veteran welcome them home and thank them for their service.

Tom Roesch

Commander New Ulm / Sleepy Eye VFW Post 1648


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