
What are we looking for in a president?

To the editor:

As we consider the two candidates for president we could make a comparable list of their flaws. Is President Trump perfect? No, and I don’t believe anyone claims that. In 2016 I voted for Donald Trump with many reservations, and some of those reservations still exist. His past life was definitely not exemplary, and his tweets are often not the way I would say things.

However, President Trump is what we have needed to counter decades of deterioration brought about by the Washington elite. That’s why they and their media minions are unrelenting in their attacks; he has hit nerves and reversed many things which would have hastened the destruction of the America we love.

Whether the media will publicize it or not, President Trump and his task force have done a lot to battle COVID-19 since the travel ban was put in place at the beginning of the year — and everyone should have supported rather than thwarted him. In the past three years because of his leadership there have been positive accomplishments with regard to the economy, China’s hold on America, the price of drugs, the championing of the right to life of babies in the womb, and, yes, help for African Americans, etc., etc.

Is Donald Trump perfect? No. Is there anyone else who could take the beating he has taken (and will take if he is re-elected) and still bring about positive results for different segments of America? That is doubtful.

Vote against socialism and the breaking down of our society. Vote for security and a solvent economy. Vote for freedom and the rights of all races, born and unborn. Vote for our country’s future. Vote Trump in 2020. God, bless America.

Mary Thom

New Ulm


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