
Can we unite to save the oceans?

To the editor:

The world’s oceans are under severe stress from plastic pollution, over-fishing, and climate change. In Indonesia, businesses give away 10 million plastic bags a year which ultimately end up in rivers and the ocean. Most countries do not have any recycling operations (China, Indonesia) and even in the United States it is estimated that only about 40 percent of our plastic is recycled. Invertebrates and fish in the oceans are eating the small broken down plastic and people who eat them are also exposed.

Over-fishing is threatening to cause the disappearance of many fish species as they are unable to reproduce fast enough. China has expanded its claim on the South China Sea and forced fisherman from Viet Nam and the Philippines out of international waters. Millions, if not billions, of people in southeast Asia and coastal areas of Africa will be severely impacted if fish in their diet disappears or is severely reduced.

Climate change is causing the temperatures of the oceans to rise which is damaging the coral reefs which are the nurseries and shelter for many fish species. Acidification is also impacting invertebrates which require a slightly alkaline oceans for form their shells.

Many businesses and individuals are becoming alarmed at what is happening to the source of their livelihoods. Can a species of animals like us, who are prone to war and fighting amongst ourselves, unite for the common good?

Dr. John and Mary Kluge

New Ulm


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