
Many reasons to shop at farmers’ market

“Nothing tastes better than fresh green beans out of the garden. You can’t beat it,” Becky Sellner was quoted in a New Ulm Journal article on the start of the farmers’ market season.

It’s those fresh green beans and other vegetable delights that make shopping at farmers’ markets so delightful. But they offer much more. They are great outlets for other delicious products such as honey, meat products and delicious desserts.

The University of Minnesota Extension offers seven reasons to shop at Minnesota farmers’ markets.

1. Freshly picked fruits and vegetables taste better.

2. You can buy straight from the source.

3. Farmers markets offer opportunities to try something new and different

4. You can get youths involved

5. Good places to interact with your neighbors

6. In most cases, you can use your credit, debit or EBT card

7. Provide public value

There are couple more benefits worth mentioning.

These markets offers opportunities for beginning farmers, allowing them to start small, test the market and grow their business.

Also, buying food from farmers’ markets is good for the environment because the food doesn’t travel far from where it is cultivated or produced. This means there is less greenhouse gas emissions.

And best of all, shopping at a farmers’ market near you may encourage healthier eating habits.

The New Ulm farmers’ market is held Thursdays and Saturdays at 15 S. Broadway in the A to Zinnia parking lot. The market runs 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays and 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.

In Fairmont, farmer’s markets are held on Saturdays through Oct. 26 9-12 p.m. and also Tuesdays Sept. 24 4-6 p.m.

In Marshall, the market is open 7:30 a.m. until noon on Saturdays. On Aug. 15 and Sept. 9, the market will set up in downtown with live music.


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