

Welfare work requirements make everyone better off

The Congressional Budget Office has just released its latest projection for the next ten years. “In the agency’s updated projections, annual deficits nearly double over the next decade, reaching $2.7 trillion in 2033 ... As a result of those deficits, debt held by the public also ...

McCarthy’s messy fraternity house

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from Bakersfield, California, comes from central casting as a fraternity president. Trim looks, blue blazers, back slaps to the bros and affable, but vain and vapid. Fraternity parties are known for violent destruction the morning after they run ...

Ambivalent about abortion, American middle begins to find its voice

In the year since the Supreme Court restored abortion policy to the status of a state’s political choice, the issue that for some 50 years poisoned political discourse has actually become ameliorative. By overturning Roe v. Wade, the court ignited a nationwide debate about a subject that, ...

Forgiveness changes everything

Dear Annie: After reading the letter from “Unable to Open Up,” the gentleman who was unable to articulate his thoughts to his therapist, I wonder if writing down his thoughts would help. Sometimes we can’t bring ourselves to speak up for fear of being chastised, laughed at or embarrassed. ...

Storing fresh ginger in the fridge

Dear Heloise: I have been reading your column in the Mining Journal, in Marquette, Michigan, for many years. In a recent column, someone was asking about storing fresh ginger. I found a tip in a magazine years ago that suggested storing it in a large glass jar, submerging it in sherry or ...

Love really does conquer all

Dear Readers: Many people had a lot to say in response to “Feeling Torn,” who is concerned about the prospect of the interfaith marriage. Below are some letters. Dear Annie: While love may conquer all, if the parents of these two have voiced concerns, I’d want to make sure each partner ...