
Thumbs Up/Down

Park improvements

THUMBS UP: The City of New Ulm is celebrating a lot of improvements that are coming about as the result of the RENU program, which extended the city’s half-percent sales tax to fund another round of new and improved Park and Recreation facilities.

The city will hold a special ribbon cutting and grand reopening for Johnson Park, which was the first project to be completed last season. The city’s recreation center is undergoing a major change, with a gymnastics center and a new aquatic center going in.

We appreciate the willingness of New Ulm votes to approve this municipal sales tax extension that make these improvements possible.

Hurt feelings?

THUMBS DOWN: Minnesota House Republicans dug in their heels on Thursday, launching a long, bitter debate about the state budget bills coming before them. Their objection? They weren’t invited to the negotiating table in preparation for the special session. Instead, the principle wheeler-dealers were the House DFL, which controls the majority, and the Senate Republicans, who hold the majority there.There are times when being in the minority leaves you on the outside looking in, and in politics, apparently that means you have to throw a tantrum to get attention.

Frankly, we don’t know why both parties from both houses aren’t fully represented in these kind of negotiations. And why they aren’t held in front of the public, too. It would make for better legislation.

In the meantime, the House GOP should take a deep breath now and get on with legislating.

For fathers

THUMBS UP:This Sunday is Fathers Day, and we wish all fathers everywhere a happy, loving Fathers Day.

Sociological studies are always pointing out the importance of a father figure in children’s lives, and the challenges faced by single parent households. Just being there is a big part of the job of a father. We hope children will appreciate all that their fathers put into being a dad.

Happy Fathers Day, Dads!


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