
They gave their all

As we celebrate Memorial Day today, we can be grateful for those American troops who are coming home from Afghanistan, where our soldiers have been deployed since 2001 in response to the 9-11 attacks.

But especially, we honor today those who did not come home, those who gave their lives in that country, and all those who have died in America’s wars.

Those whom we honor today hold a special place in our nation’s hall of heroes.

We know that no one enters the military planning to not come home. But anyone who does volunteer for military service knows the risks and possibilities, especially during times of war. That is why we should marvel at the heroism of the masses of young men who signed up in droves at the beginning of America’s major wars. They are described as anxious and determined to enlist, get their training and get into action as quickly as possible to make a difference.

War’s sad, horrible, grinding reality, however, kept many of them from returning. Those who died in defense of country and freedom are remembered today, on Memorial Day.

If America is a great and strong country, it is due to those who fought for our freedom, especially those who sacrificed themselves for us. We salute them today.


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