
Thumbs Up/Down

Walk for Diabetes

THUMBS UP: The New Ulm and Lafayette Lions Clubs are holding their annual Diabetes Walk this morning. It is a worthy effort to raise funds to seek a cure for this widely spreading disease.

It is also an occasion to call attention to the Minnesota Legislature’s lack of action on the availability of insulin for all those diabetics who can’t afford the medicine that helps control their blood sugars and keep them alive. DFLers and Republicans need to stop trying to outdo each other and work together on one workable plan that can be passed quickly.

RR Crossings

THUMBS UP: At long last some work is being done to repair the substandard railroad crossings in New Ulm. The city and Canadian Pacific Railway are working on the 17th North Street and North Minnesota Street crossing, and we hope work on other bad crossings can get done this fall.

Film Festival

THUMBS UP: Hats off to the New Ulm Film Society which is putting on its first New Ulm Film Festival this weekend. New Ulm is a city that appreciates the arts, and the cinematic arts should be no exception.

The festival started Friday and continues today at the State Street Theater and the Grand Kabaret. We hope cinephiles will enjoy the experience and come back next year for more.


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