
Scrabble dictionary adds hundreds of words

NEW YORK (AP) — Here’s the sitch, Scrabble stans. Your

convos around the board are about to get more interesting with

about 500 new words and variations added to the game’s official

dictionary: stan, sitch, convo, zedonk, dox and fauxhawk among


Out this month, the add-ons in the seventh edition of “The Official

Scrabble Players Dictionary” join more than 100,000 words

of two to eight letters. The book was last updated in 2018 through

a longstanding partnership between Hasbro and Merriam-Webster.

The new words include some trademarks gone generic —

dumpster for one — some shorthand joy like guac, and a delicious

display of more verb variations: torrented, torrenting, adulted, adulting,

atted, atting (as in don’t at me, bro).


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