

Over-the-counter hearing aids expected this fall in US

WASHINGTON (AP) — Millions of Americans will

be able to buy hearing aids without a prescription later

this fall, under a long-awaited rule finalized Tuesday.

The Food and Drug Administration said the new regulation

cuts red tape by creating a new class of hearing

aids that don’t require a medical exam, a prescription

and other specialty evaluations. The devices will be sold

online or over-the-counter at pharmacies and other retail

stores. The devices are intended for adults with mild

to moderate hearing problems. The FDA estimates that

nearly 30 million adults could potentially benefit from

hearing aids, but only about one-fifth of people with

hearing problems use the devices currently.

Cincinnati Zoo names new baby hippo Fritz, brother to Fiona

(AP) — The Cincinnati Zoo has named its newest

baby hippopotamus, Fritz, after an online vote by tens

of thousands of his adoring fans.

After over 90,000 name suggestions came in from

every state in the U.S. and over 60 countries, zoo employees

narrowed it down to Fritz or Ferguson — and

Fritz won with 56% of the vote.

Immigration advocates sue LexisNexis over personal data

CHICAGO (AP) — Data broker LexisNexis Risk

Solutions allegedly violated Illinois law by collecting

and combining extensive personal information and

selling it to third parties including federal immigration

authorities, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday by immigration

advocates. The result is “a grave threat to civil

liberties,” the activists and two immigration advocacy

groups argued. The lawsuit asks a Cook County judge

to prevent the data broker from selling personal information

without consent.


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