Nick Mueller Memorial Scholarship

The 2024 Nick Mueller Memorial Scholarship was presented to NUHS graduating senior, Cohen Carpenter. In photo L to R: Mueller’s cousin Vanessa Ezell, Cohen Carpenter and Mueller’s aunt Julie Klover.
The 2024 Nick Mueller Memorial Scholarship was presented to NUHS graduating senior, Cohen Carpenter.
Cohen is the son of Matt & Ann Perry and Ryan Carpenter; he plans to attend MSU-Mankato in the law enforcement program as well as ROTC and join the Army National Guard.
The Scholarship is named for Nick Mueller’s, whose dream was to become a police officer; however, he died suddenly in September of 2004 from an asthma attack after completing the mile run in P.E. class at NUHS. His mother, Nancy, established the scholarship to help others reach their dreams and, in spirit, help Nick reach his as well.
In photo L to R: Mueller’s cousin Vanessa Ezell, Cohen Carpenter and Mueller’s aunt Julie Klover.