
Courtland approves water-sewer waiver for Collin Drive project

At the Courtland City Council meeting on Thursday, the council approved a waiver regarding water/sewer services for the Collin Drive project.

City Clerk Julie Holm sent certified letters to all property owners requesting a response regarding water/sewer services for the Collin Drive project. The letters stated that no response means that water/sewer services will not be installed, and the property cannot ask for the services for ten years.

The properties not receiving water/sewer services, either because they opted out of the services or defaulted to no services due to no response, will have the resolution attached to their property at the county recorder’s office. The resolution will become part of any title search on the properties.

Holm also questioned the council about financing regarding the Collin Drive project. After discussion, the council recommended that Holm and Mayor Al Poehler check with a couple of banks to see what the rate will be for bonding the project for ten years.

Holm has sent letters to property owners who will be assessed for the Collin Drive project to determine who will be putting the assessment on their taxes or are going to pay off the assessment when due. This information will need to be known before the bonding process begins.

WWW Blacktopping has requested an extension to September 30, 2024, for the Collin Drive blacktopping.

Council Member Paul Bode said, “We knew they were going to start later, and with the wet season, we can understand this request.”

Council Member Justin Kraus added, “They are starting next week with doing other things for the project.”

“There is a construction meeting in the Courtland City Hall at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday,” said Maintenance and Utilities Supervisor Dave Ubel. The council then approved the extension request.

Discussion was held on how people are going to know when access to their property is not allowed due to construction. A newsletter will be sent out from Bolton and Menk to address the access issues, but questions could be directed to Bolton and Menk’s point person Eric Hauser at (507) 625-4171.

Public Utilities

Ubel reported that he plans to start removing part of the fence around the park to get ready for the new playground equipment and the new sidewalk.

“I will put information on Facebook about what is happening at the park,” said Council Member Pam Rodewald. Ubel added that he will put caution tape around the playground equipment, but people can still use the shelter.

“The railroad is working with us regarding a wash out near the sewer line that goes to New Ulm and lays under the railroad track. The railroad will be bringing in fill as we cannot get trucks into that area,” said Ubel.

There have been complaints regarding weeds around the elevator and some other areas within the city. The elevator has been sent a letter informing them any work the city needs to do will be charged to the elevator. If not paid, the cost will be placed on taxes.

Ubel requested the closing of Railroad Street in Courtland for the August 17 water fight as part of the Courtland Fire Department Fundraiser. The council approved his request.

City Clerk

The filing period for two council members and mayor ends on August 13. The positions of Council Members Ralph Bents and Justin Kraus terms are open this year. The primary election is August 13, 2024.

Old Business

Council Member Pam Rodewald has contacted Sheriff Dave Lange regarding the nuisance complaints within Courtland. The sheriff gave a couple of options for enforcement. The city could contract for extra patrol enforcement with the cost being about $75 per hour, ten hours a week, or call with code enforcement when something is happening. Council unanimously agreed that contracting would be too expensive and the chance of having patrol present at the appropriate time would be difficult. They agreed to go with the call for code enforcement.

The next regular council meeting will be Thursday, September 5, at 7 p.m.


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