
Double the size, courts and number of teams

Serving up another Spikin’ in the Street

This map shows the locations of all courts, food vendors, and events at Spikin in the Street Saturday.

NEW ULM – Spikin in the Street is returning this year, and looks to further establish its foothold as a major community event.

Chamber of Commerce CEO Sarah Warmka said people had initially been hesitant to the idea last year, but when the event had done very well.

“Overwhelmingly awesome,” she said. “It’s out of the box thinking to bring that much sand into the downtown area but people saw it could work and no taxpayer money went into it.”

After the success from last year, and several meetings with city officials and contractors, Warmka said it was a no-brainer they bring back this event. Plenty was learned from year one.

“We got feedback more food on site is needed,” she said. “We listed restaurants downtown but we got a lot of feedback they wanted food vendors downtown where they could stay in the street. We sold water last year, but people still needed water. We want people to stay hydrated. We will have a water filling station on site for people to fill their water bottles.”

Ruben Fentanez winds up to serve the ball as the crowd looks on.

Warmka said they have been planning for this year’s version since last year’s ended, starting with the surveys. It was decided to double the space of the event, taking up two city blocks on Minnesota Street instead of one. This includes doubling the amount of courts from four to eight, and the amount of sand from 600 to 1,200. The sand will be laid down Friday morning starting at 8 a.m.

Friday will have a beach dance party from 5-11 p.m. with a DJ. From 5-8 p.m. Rec on the Go will have yard games and a bounce house. From 6-8 p.m. there will be a giant pong ticket giveaway for the Brown County Free Fair. Food vendors will also be available. The volleyball tournament, along with a full lineup of kids activities, will start Saturday.

More than double from 44 last year, 91 teams have entered the tournament. There is a rec division for teams just looking to have fun. Warmka said this group will be the biggest. The rest of the teams will be spread across three competitive divisions ranked by skill, with A being most skilled and C being least. Matches will start at around 7 a.m. Saturday and run until 11 p.m.

For kids and adults alike, there will be more to do than watch volleyball.

“Bounce house for the kiddos,” Warmka said. “A kid’s play area in the intersection of 1st North between the two streets with two kiddie pools and sand toys. Face painting from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Rec on the go will be there. Bolton and Menk will be there with an activity based on the strategic plan. A DJ will play all day both days. Brown County Free Fair is doing a giant pong ticket giveaway.”

Jason Kuester directs the truck as it dumped sand onto Minnesota Street for Spikin in the Street last year.

Warmka said the event will again be held without using taxpayer money, using only private funding and organized by volunteers. She said while the event is doubling in size, she has felt the community support expand by much more.

For more information, visit https://www.newulm.com/events/spikin-in-the-street/. For volunteering inquiries, visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA9AC2FA3FACF8-spikin#/


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