Safety features return to Garden and 1st North
NEW ULM — The pedestrian safety features at 1st North and Garden are back by popular demand.
Wednesday volunteers with the Heart of New Ulm, Safe Routes to School and Coalition for Active Safe and Healthy Streets (CASHS) were setting up lane delineators and new striping to create temporary curb extensions and pedestrian islands on the Garden Street intersection across from the Harman Park warming house.
A one-block section of Garden Street was temporarily closed for the installation, but the work was completed in a little over half an hour. Part of the reason for the quick installation was most of the work had been done last year.
This same safety project was installed at 1st North and Garden in May of 2023 as a temporary project. It was removed in October.
The goal of 2023 temporary project was to show residents how curb extensions help slow traffic and make it safer for all who use Harman Park and who walk or bike in the area. The city was able to pay for the 2023 project through a $25,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT).
Heart of New Ulm coordinator Jen Maurer said the project proved popular last year and with some extra funding from Safe Routes to School, they were able to setup the pedestrian safety features again this year.
The delineators from last year were still available for use this year. In addition, the curb extensions did not require additional painting. All that was needed was new striping, adhesive to hold the delineators in place and a few helpful volunteers.
New Ulm City Engineer Joseph Stadheim assisted with the re-installation. He confirmed the feedback on last year’s demonstration was positive. Since the Garden and 1st North intersection is heavily used by children, safety is a top priority.
Stadheim said the overall purpose of the delineators is to create traffic calming measures, but the curb cuts and pedestrian islands in the middle of the street limit the amount of time a pedestrian is in the street.
The temporary pedestrian safety features will remain at the Garden and North 1st intersection through the summer and fall.
Mauer said they hope to have grant funding available to bring the features back in 2025 and 2026.
A road reconstruction project is planned for Garden Street in 2027. Stadheim said during the reconstruction, the temporary safety features could be permanent.