
New area code 924 telephone numbers to be assigned

After area code 507 numbers run out

NEW ULM — New telephone numbers may be assigned in the new 924 area code beginning Aug. 30 according to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC).

The 507 area code is expected to run out of new numbers in early 2025. Existing customers will keep their current telephone numbers, but new customers or requests for additional lines may be assigned the new 924 area code once it is activated.

The new 924 area code region includes New Ulm, Marshall, Fairmont, Albert Lea, Austin, Northfield, Rochester, Winona, Worthington and smaller communities in Lincoln, Lyon, Redwood, the southern edge of Renville County, most of Sibley County, and all of Brown, Nicollet, Blue Earth, much of Le Sueur, Rice and Goodhue Counties and all counties south of them to the Iowa border.

As of July 30, all customers in the 507 area code region must do 10-digit dialing (area code plus 7-digit telephone number).

After July 30, calls placed using only 7 digits will not be completed, according to the PUC.

The PUC approved the addition of the new area code March 30.

The addition of the new area code won’t affect customers who currently have 507 phone numbers. Customers will continue to dial the area code plus a 7-digit number to make local calls.

The need for area code relief in southern Minnesota was forecast last year by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA), which governs phone numbers throughout the U.S.

The Minnesota PUC, which regulates Minnesota telephone services, opened a comment period and held a public meeting on the need for a new area code in December.

For additional information, visit NANPA at http://www.nationalnanpa.com and https://mn.gov/puc/consumers/new-area-code/


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