
Water fun coming early and late this year

Splash pad open a day early, Flandrau pool delayed till June 7

Ava Fuchs, Alyssa Fuchs, and Xochitl Fernandez enjoy the cold water at the North Park Splash Pad. The pad will be opening up a day earlier this year, the Friday before Memorial Day.

NEW ULM — For the kids and parents of New Ulm who enjoy cooling off on hot days, the aquatic season is almost here.

North Park splash pad, Washington and Lincoln Park wading pools, and Flandrau State Park swim pond are fixtures of summer fun in New Ulm. After the warm winter and spring seasons, they are nearly ready to open.

North Park Splash Pad is a flat ground water-based play place. It features small spray tubes and large water sprayers. It’s popular with active kids who like to bounce around while cooling down. Splash Pad will open Friday, May 24 at 1801 N State Street. The hours are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

This is an extension from last year when they were open from 12:30 to 6 p.m. It is also opening the Friday before Memorial Day, a day earlier than last year.

Washington and Lincoln Park wading pools are a pair of shallow pools for young children. The Washington wading pool has a slide and several water sprayers. The Lincoln wading pool has a slide in the shape of a frog and a water umbrella.

Cyrus Borgerding performs a perfect ninja kick on a stream of water. The North Park Splash Pad is fully independent and does not require any staff, using a button that keeps the water on when pressed.

These wading pools will open May 31. They will be open daily from 12:30 to 6 p.m. Washington Park is at 715 N State St. Lincoln Park is at 718 S State St.

Flandrau State Park swim pond is a large sand-bottom swimming pool. There are lifeguards, several shaded areas, and pool ropes showing the deep end.

Unfortunately, those who enjoy this larger pool surrounded by nature will have to wait longer this year. Construction of drainage improvement and a replacement sidewalk between the beach house and swim pond will push back the opening to June 7.

When it does open, the days and hours will be Thurs-Sun from 11-7. A State Park vehicle permit is required before entering the park, but there is no extra charge to use the swim pond.

The swim pond will close third Sunday in August. It will not be available Labor Day weekend.


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