
Commissioners reject CD 16 repair bid

Rebid project on CR 5 south of Springfield

NEW ULM — Brown County commissioners unanimously rejected a $157,850 bid to repair broken tile in County Ditch 16, branch 3 in Bashaw and Burnstown Townships Tuesday.

Rejection of the bid and re-bidding the project to repair 155 feet of tile were it crosses CR 5 north of 150th Street, came on a motion by Commissioner Scott Windschitl, seconded by Tony Berg.

“The bid we received (from Ellingson Drainage) is extremely high. I’m just looking for direction from the board,” said Brown County Highway Department Assistant Engineer Andrew Lang.

Project quotes were requested from five contractors. Only one bid was received.

He said landowners reported water backing up. A tile camera located a broken tile in CD 16 under CR 5. An open cut excavation repair was not considered practical and boring a new tile crossing under CR 5 was proposed. Lining the tile crossing was also considered but the change in tile size diameter was considered too restrictive and rejected by landowners.

“We went for quotes from five contractors to bore a new line under CR 5. Project bids were opened April 10. Just one bid (for the whole job) was received,” said Lang.

Lang said the project within existing 14-inch tile, could be rebid for 15 and 24-inch tile in two weeks after he notifies contractors. He added that one contractor contacted his office and said they may not be able to do the project until late this fall or next year.

Brown County Highway Engineer Wayne Stevens said something to consider now is doing a sub-surface (tile) liner now for about $30,000 and the County could some back in 2031 and put in a bigger tile (during a shoulder widening project).

“I don’t like the idea of lining it. If we cut it back another half inch, there are restrictions,” Veerkamp said. “I don’t like the cost of boring. I think putting it out again for bid could come up with a more logical cost.”

Starting at $4.38/week.

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