
Becky Bakes and GSM named businesses of the year

The mother/daughter team of Becky Bakes, Becky Waibel (left) and Emily Atnip (right) celebrate winning Small Business of the Year 2024.

NEW ULM — The votes are in, Becky Bakes and Gag Sheet Metal (GSM) were chosen as 2024’s Businesses of the Year. GSM was selected as Large Business and Becky Bakes as Small Business.

Chamber members were asked to vote for business of the year during the annual Chamber meeting at the Royal Oak Center, Thursday night. Only Chamber members who were present at the meeting were able to vote.

In addition to the winners, this year’s nominees included J&R Schugel, Gutes Essen, and Minnesota Valley Funeral Homes.

Chamber members were asked to nominate businesses for this recognition based on three criteria: Chamber involvement, community involvement and economic impact.

Becky Bakes is a mother/daughter business run by Becky Waibel and Emily Atnip. The duo operate a bakery from 213 S. Minnesota Street.

John Gag (center) accepts the Large Business of the Year award on behalf of Gag Sheet Metal. The award was presented by Chamber Chair Danielle Marti (left) and Chamber CEO Sarah Warmka (right).

After it was announced they won the award, Waibel was initially speechless. She had not expected to win and said she might cry.

Atnip said it was an honor to be nominated for the award. She said it was great to be part of the New Ulm business community and applauded all the new businesses coming to the downtown area.

Waibel said Becky Bakes opened just before the start of the COVID pandemic, after which many businesses started to close, but now four years later, the businesses were back.

“I grew up in New Ulm and I am so proud of this town,” Waibel said.

Waibel and Atnip also wished to thanked their loyal customers.

“We’re lucky because we work in a happy place,” Atnip said. “Thanks for making us happy.”

John Gag accepted the Large Business of the Year award on behalf of GSM.

GSM was founded in 1904 by John Gag’s great-grandfather George Gag. John Gag said when he took over the business he never expected to win business of the year.

“To me we still feel like a little company,” Gag said.

Gag estimated that 10% of GSM’s business is done in New Ulm, with some employees traveling out of state. Gag said it is a great way to bring business in to the community. He said it would not be possible to run the GSM without the support of the fellow business community and especially the employees, who are obsessed with ensuring great customer service.


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