
Nicollet Council holds hearing on assessment for infrastructure improvements

NICOLLET — The Nicollet City Council receieved public input on special assessments related to infrastrcture improvements.

During Monday’s Nicollet City Council meeting, held an assessment hearing regarding the improvements to Burg Avenue and Greenspace area in northwest Nicollet.

Bolten and Menk represenatives Joe Duncan and Eric a were present to discuss the infrastructure construction costs and the assessment role which was distributed. The meeting was also an opportunity for the mayor/council to hear residents concerns so they can be sure that all work is complete before final approval is given for payment on the projects.

Duncan said the hearing was being held before all work is completed which is normal for projects. He had met with residents prior to the project being approved, and that they have followed the assessment policy of the city to calculate the assessment numbers which have gone down since the preliminary numbers.

Residents raised construction concerns which included: water still flowing into properties, manholes not completed, not all construction areas have been seeded, holes in driveways after paving of alley, curb questions, not all sump pumps being connected to storm sewer lines, some grading have caused some residents to have steep driveways which causes problems for getting out of their driveways and parking their vehicles.

Duncan and Hauser assured residents that their concerns were heard and they will do their best to resolve the issues as soon as possible, but some of the concerns will need to be completed in the spring.

It was suggested the entire city cover improvement costs and not just the residents directly affected. This would spread the cost around the entire city. No action was taken by the mayor or council on this request.

A resolution adopting the assessment roll for the 2023 Infrastructure Improvements of the City of Nicollet, Minnesota was approved.

Usually, an assessment has an interest percentage rate two percent above the bond’s interest rate; however, the mayor/council decided to have a 1.5 percent interest rate over the bond rate to help the residents as much as possible. The interest rate will be 6%.

Residents affected by the assessment need to pay within 30 days or December 14, 2023, to avoid any interest. Otherwise, residents have the option to pay all or part of their assessment within the next 15 years including the six percent interest rate.

Trail and Crossing

Bolton and Menk representative Joe Duncan explained to the mayor/council that he continues to have discussions with MnDOT and the County regarding the trail and crossing as part of the Old Highway 14’s construction. He said that MnDOT asked him to tell the council about grants for funding that are available.

Duncan said, “The deadline to apply is November 30 and the grants are limited and competitive. And, if you do not apply for this grant, we should produce a plan for where the city wants to go from here.”

Mayor Froehlich and Councilman Kevin Ostermann volunteered to meet with Nicollet County Commissioners to try and resolve the Highway 111 crosswalk and the trail construction.


A resolution adopting and Certifying Liens for Delinquent Sewer Charges and Penalties was approved. The City has invoiced, on a monthly basis, certain sewer charges and penalties to Stickney Hill Ingredients in relation to its industrial operations at 734 6th Street in Nicollet. Such liens shall be certified to Nicollet County for payment in one installment with the 2024 property taxes. There shall be no interest.

Monday, December 4, 6:00 p.m. will be the Truth and Taxation meeting followed by the regular council meeting at 6:15 p.m. January’s regular council meeting will be Monday, January 8, at 6:00 p.m.


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