
Courtland Council OKs ordinance regarding land alterations

By Karen Fluegge

Special to the Journal

COURTLAND — The City Council discussed concerns over land alternations

and preservation during Thursday’s meeting.

The Land Preservations Ordinance requires a permit for land alterations of 50 cubic yards or more within Courtland.

Only one change was made to the ordinance. A beginning statement of “In the absence of a state storm water construction permit, and” was added to the ordinance. This ordinance will apply to all zones within the city unless there is a state permit that supersedes it.

“We need an ordinance like this with all the ravines and ditches we have

in the city,” Ralph Bents said “We need an understanding of what

people are planning to do to their property,” Justin Kraus said.

And Paul Bode added, “We need

something that we can go back to if we need to.”

City Clerk Julie Holm explained, “We also need to decide how much to

charge for the permit. Nicollet County charges $50 for a land preservation permit.”

With Mayor Al Poehler absent, Ralph Bents led the meeting and along with the other council members approved the ordinance with the permit cost to be decided at a later date. Also approved was Resolution 23-103 Land Alteration and Preservation Ordinance Summary for publication which will also be available online and at the city office.

Public utilities

Dave Ubel explained that he has been working with the power company in the new addition because they were putting the power lines in the right-a-way instead of in the city’s utility easement.

Ubel also reported that the contractor, in the new addition, is not putting in streetlights. Pam Rodewald questioned if the lights were in the plan. Ubel said that usually the developer will have the lights installed.

Ubel also explained Excel Energy is installing overhead wiring up to the new Highway 14. After discussion, the council requested to advice the power company that they would prefer underground wiring.

Other business

The council approved the minutes from the June 1 regular City Council meeting. Also approved were the June bills for $35,927.53.

The next regular meeting will be Aug. 3, at 7 p.m.


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