
CHS Homecoming Court

The Cathedral High School Homecoming Court is pictured above. From left, front, Emily Guggisberg, Kayla Goblirsch, Lily Franta, Emily Schommer. Back, Isaiah Rieser, Justin Berg, Sam Blomberg, Dawson Sellner. On Sunday, Oct. 3, at 7:45 p.m. Cathedral High School will have a Homecoming Pepfest in the Cathedral gym. The price of admission is $3. The King and Queen will be announced at Pepfest. Friday, Oct. 8, is the Homecoming football game. This year, CHS will have the Hy-Vee cookout during the game. Food will be served starting at 6 p.m. Before the start of the game, Cathedral will honor long-time coach John Miheve.


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