
Commissioners to consider landfill proposal

NEW ULM — Brown County commissioners will consider cost estimates and timelines for excavating and construction of Cell 21 at the Brown County Landfill Tuesday, Aug. 3.

Mathiowetz Construction proposes to install a two-foot clay base liner, do 60 mil. composite prep work and add a leachate collection system. Anticipated costs are $626,495. Work would begin Aug. 15 and be complete prior to freeze-up with suitable weather.

Leachate will flow south and be collected and pumped to leachate storage ponds south and west of Cell 20 with an existing pump.

The meeting starts at 9 a.m. Aug. 3 in the courthouse commissioner’s room. A Ditch Authority Zoom meeting meetings at 8:30 a.m.

Commissioners will also consider:

• Authorizing the purchase of a new 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Package for $38,957.76 from Ranger Chevrolet to replace an existing squad that was damaged, taken out of service, deemed surplus and declared excess property for disposal, pending insurance disposal requirements.

• Authorizing ordering a surveying pickup and box for the Brown County Highway Dept. Bids for a Ford F250 are $28,831.34 with $3,000 trade-in credit from Chuck Spaeth Ford with a $33,251.26 state bid; and $34,532.20 with $2,500 trade-in credit for a 2500 from Jensen Motors. Survey box bids are $9,437.80 from Highway Products, $11,248 from Aspen Equipment for the Ford and $17,202 for the 2500.

Trade-in is a 2002 Ford F350 with 163,420 miles.

The highway department recommends the low bids for a total cost of $38,269.14.

• Approving the purchase of a new parks dept. vehicle and dump box, and repairs to the current 2005 F350.

Bids were collected from three local dealers for a new one-ton regular cab and chassis. To ensure a government discount, orders need to be placed before Sept. 1, 2021.

Staff requests purchase of a 2022 GMC 3500HD for $31,796.80 from Jensen Motors and a E-Tipper dump box from Crysteel Equipment for $13,341. Total cost would be %52,381.80.

An alterative plan is to buy a new truck without a dump box, and repair the current F350 for a total rough cost of $38,190.68. This would allow two vehicles to be used for park use.

(Fritz Busch can be emailed at fbusch@nu



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