
Allina announces temporary hospital visitor guidelines

MINNEAPOLIS — Starting Friday, Dec. 20, Allina Health will implement temporary visitor guidelines to protect all patients and staff due to influenza at all of hospitals and at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute-Transitional Rehabilitation Program, inpatient care in Golden Valley.

This includes the New Ulm Medical Center hospital.

Allina Health implements visitor guidelines when the Minnesota Department of Health determines that influenza is widespread across the state. They include:

• Children under the age of five (5) are asked not to visit patients.

• Visitors to Mom Baby/Birth Center units may be screened for wellness and children under 5 will be screened for wellness before visiting.

• Visitors who are sick should refrain from visiting patients in the hospital.

• Compassionate exceptions may be considered based on a patient’s critical condition/prognosis. Talk to a nurse.

• If you or your child has a cough or sore throat, please wear a mask while in our building.

At all times, please cover your cough. Please wash your hands or use the alcohol-based hand rub we provide throughout our facilities.


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