(December 10, 17,
#4 Boiler Burner
Management System
New Ulm Public Utili-
Notice is hereby given
that sealed Bids will be
received by the New
Ulm Public Utilities
Commission (Owner)
until 1:00 PM local time
on Friday January 10th
at the City Council
Chambers located at
100 North Broadway in
New Ulm, Minnesota,
at which time they will
be publicly opened and
read aloud, for the fur-
nishing of all labor and
material for the Burner
Management System.
Description of Work:
1) Supply of Control
2) Demolition of Exist-
ing and Installation of a
new control system.
3) Commissioning and
Start-up of the new
control system.
Bids shall be ad-
dressed to New Ulm
Public Utilities, Attn:
Nicole Jorgensen, 100
North Broadway, New
Ulm, Minnesota 56073,
and shall be marked
Boiler BMS Replace-
ment- Submitted by
(Bidders’ name)
The Bidder shall in-
clude evidence of hav-
ing satisfactorily com-
pleted and delivered
similar services for at
least 3 similar
overhauls during the
past five (5) years.
No proposal will be ac-
cepted unless accom-
panied by a certified
check or bid bond for
at least five percent
(5%) of the amount of
the proposal, payable
to the Owner as a
guarantee that if the
proposal is accepted,
the Bidder will execute
and file the required
proper contract and
performance bond
within five (5) days
after award of the Con-
tract. Bid and perfor-
mance bonds shall be
issued by a surety
company licensed to
do business in the
State of Minnesota.
The certified checks of
all except the two (2)
lowest bidders will be
returned within five (5)
days of the opening of
the bids and bid bonds
will be canceled as
soon as the perfor-
mance bond and con-
tract are signed. If after
five (5) days, the Suc-
cessful Bidder shall fail
to comply with the pro-
visions of the Contract
Documents, the bid
bond shall be forfeited
to the Owner as liqui-
dated damages. The
bid, agreement, and
bonds shall be condi-
tioned upon compli-
ance with all provisions
of the bid documents.
Specifications and bid
documents may be ex-
amined or obtained by
contacting Glen Hil-
Unit can be walked
down by appointment
at 310 First North
Street, New Ulm, MN
56073. Call either Glen
(507-233-2128) or Tim
Nelson (507-233-2110
Ext. 431) for times.
Due to MN Statutes
471.345 all bids over
$175,000 must be sub-
mitted as a Sealed Bid.
Glen Hillesheim
Electric Production
Department Supervisor
New Ulm Public Utili-
310 First North Street
New Ulm, MN 56073
(507) 233-2128 office
(507) 354-7318 fax
The owner reserves
the right to reject any
or all bids, to waive
any informality in a bid,
and to make awards in
the interest of the own-