

Man dies as clashes erupt between police and protesting farmers in India

SHAMBHU, India (AP) — A protester has died as thousands of Indian farmers resume their march to the capital after talks with the government failed to end an impasse over their demands for guaranteed crop prices. The farmers began their protest march last week but were stopped some 125 miles from New Delhi as police fired rounds of teargas. the Press Trust of India news agency reports that the 21-year-old farmer, identified as Subhkaran Singh, succumbed to a head injury. PTI says Singh died following clashes between security forces and farmers in the Punjab town of Khanauri. The farmers are demanding legislation guaranteeing minimum prices for 23 crops and loan waivers.

Navalny’s mother files lawsuit with a Russian court

(AP) — The mother of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has filed a lawsuit at a court in the Arctic city of Salekhard contesting officials’ refusal to release her son’s body. Russia’s state news agency Tass reported that a closed-door hearing has been scheduled for March 4. Lyudmila Navalnaya has been trying to retrieve her son’s body since Saturday, following his death in an penal colony in Russia’s far north a day earlier. Navalny’s widow, Yulia, released a video Monday accusing the Kremlin of killing her husband and alleged the refusal to release his body was part of a cover-up. Russian authorities say the cause of Navalny’s death is still unknown and refused to release his body for the next two weeks as the preliminary inquest continues.

Assange faces wait to find out whether he can challenge extradition

LONDON (AP) — Judges say WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange won’t find out until next month at the earliest whether can appeal extradition to the U.S. on spying charges. If he fails, his long legal battle in Britain will have run out of road. Two High Court judges said Wednesday they will take time to consider their verdict. It came after a two-day hearing in which Assange’s lawyers argued he risked a “flagrant denial of justice” if he is sent to the United States to face espionage charges.

EU agrees on new sanctions against Russia

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union countries have agreed on a new package of sanctions against Russia. The decision on Wednesday coincides with the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion and comes days after the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The measures target individuals and businesses suspected of assisting Moscow in its war against Ukraine including Chinese companies. Belgium currently holds the rotating presidency of the 27-nation bloc and says the package is one of the broadest approved by the EU. Several diplomats said that EU ambassadors from all member countries agreed to sanction about 200 companies and individuals.


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