
Court proceedings

Brown County District Court

• Anthony John Bauer, 44, New Ulm, was charged with felony issue dishonored check-more than $500, Tuesday.

According to court documents, Springfield Police Sergeant Sierra Theis got a phone call on Nov. 24, 2023 from a woman who wanted to report a bad check for the amount of $1,808.34 to her company, Lang’s Automotive, written by Bauer Sept. 26, 2023, returned from Red Rock Bank Oct. 5, 2023.

Bauer showed up at the shop a few days later with postdated checks beginning Nov. 15. The woman brought the check in, returned to them, posted as not sufficient funds. The woman tried to call Bauer with no answer. Bauer later said he couldn’t make payments because he couldn’t afford them. The woman told Bauer they already paid for truck parts, so they would need the truck to take the parts back.

A final demand for payment letter was sent to Bauer via certified mail Feb. 22, 2024.


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