
Court Proceedings

Brown County

District Court

• Ryan Patrick Mills, 33, 112 Linden St. S.E., Sleepy Eye was charged with three felony threats of violence counts and two felony aggravated violations Nov. 20, 2023. A Zoom hearing was set for 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023.

According to court documents, Sleepy Eye Police Officer Ostermann talked with two females on Sept. 2, 2023. One of the women said she picked up her mother at Meyer’s Bar where a man yelled swear words at her and threatened to kill her.

The second woman, a witness, she said recognized the man from past encounters as Mills who yelled obscenities at her and other family members and wanted to fight her son-in-law in a park near her home.

Officer Ostermann contacted a second victim on Oct. 5, 2023 who said he was at a family cookout at his mother-in-law’s home when a white vehicle pulled up and a man began yelling swear words and threatened to kill all of the family. The man said he didn’t know who the male was at first but later identified him as Mills after looking at a photo of Mills.

The second victim she he had another incident with Mills at Meyer’s Bar involving death threats and fighting. The second victim said he saw Mills walk away and retrieve a weapon from his vehicle.


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