Court Proceedings
Brown County District Court
• Felony and gross misdemeanor 5th-degree drug possession-not small amount marijuana, misdemeanor domestic assault, disorderly conduct, dangerous weapons-metal knuckles/switch blade and petty misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia charges were fled May 18, 2023 against Justin Jae Wesley Johnson, 47, 726 German St. N., New Ulm.
According to court documents, New Ulm Police Cpl. T. J. Ibberson met with an alleged victim and witness May 17. The victim said she believed Johnson should be placed on a 72-hour for his mental health.
A witness said Johnson arrived outside the apartment and was yelling, screaming and made statements about harming himself. The victim is in or recently was in a romantic relationship with Johnson.
Officer Ibberson responded to radio traffic that patrolwoman Sara Pruett found Johnson in the 100 block alley between South Broadway and Minnesota St. Officer Ibberson saw Johnson’s pupils appeared constricted, that he was slightly agitated and may be under the influence of a substance.
Johnson was arrested for disorderly conduct and domestic assault. During backpack and jacket search, Pruett removed a small, round container containing a brown substance from a front pocket that was believed to be illegal.
A backpack search revealed an automatic switchblade knife with a blade that slides up and out the front of the handle. The knife is believed to be classified a dangerous weapon. Other items found were 9 M-5000 explosive fireworks, a small amount of white residue in a clear, round container, a clear substance, an unknown purple liquid, a hard and brown and white substances.
The brown powder substance tested presumptively positive for heroine or fentanyl and weight 1 gram or less. The baggies contained white residue