
Off the Shelf: A Libby Lesson

Did you know we have thousands of ebooks and audiobooks available in our local library system for you to download to your smartphone or tablet? All you need is a library card and an app. Yes, there’s an app for that; it’s called Libby. If you already use our Overdrive app to download ebooks, that’s great, you can continue using it. Libby is just another version of Overdrive that you might want to explore. I like Libby; it is simple to use and has less steps to get you to your book.

Let’s get started…

Download the Libby app: If you have an iPhone or iPad, open the “App Store.” For an Android smartphone or tablet, Choose “Play Store.”

Find your library: Open your Libby app and it will guide you through the setup process with a few questions and you will be downloading books or audiobooks in no time. It’s as easy as that! One question I often get asked is “Does downloading and reading ebooks use my data?” The answer is no! Just make sure your settings are set to “download only on wifi.” Once your book is downloaded, it is available to read anytime and anywhere without using data.

Search for books: There are several ways to search for books in the Libby app. You can simply browse and see what looks interesting, or you can set preferences to narrow down your choices. One preference that I often use is “available now.” With this setting, my search only displays items that are available to check out immediately. But, just like print books, if you see something that is checked out you can place a hold.

A few interesting things about Libby: Your items will be automatically returned when they are due. You can renew items or return books early by clicking on “manage loan” next to the book on your shelf. When a book you have placed on hold is available, you will get an email telling you it is available, and has been automatically downloaded to your Libby account. Another interesting Libby feature is if the book you are searching for is part of a series, it will show where the title falls in the series (ex: #3 in series). Libby also keeps track of what you have checked out through the app. Click on your “shelf” and choose “activity.”

If you choose to access Overdrive through a browser instead of the Overdrive or Libby apps, you may be asked to sign up for a Library card. You do not need to do this if you already have a Traverse des Sioux card. It is much easier to use your existing library card than to juggle both a digital and a regular card.

If you already enjoy, or want to start, reading and listening to books on your smartphone or tablet, I hope you will give Libby a try. The Libby app is free; all you need is a library card to start reading or listening. Come in and talk with us if you need help getting it set up or have any questions at all. The Help Site on the Libby app is also very helpful.


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