Value of These Machines,
According to Data in Secretary of State’s Office Is $2,789,378.
1924 IS $76,460.41
Number of Cars Junked in County During 1924 Was
Approximately 30, Which
Is Low Figure.
There were 6,930 automobiles in Brown county, last year, according to data in Secretary of State Mike Holm’s office in St. Paul. This is nearly one automobile for every three people in the county. This being the case the automobiles of the county could assemble in the different communities at a given time and every person in Brown county could he loaded therein and be out of the county in less than an hour.
This exodus could be accomplished with little or no excitement and if necessary, if prearranged, better time could be made than above stated.
The value of these 6,930 automobiles was placed at $2,780,378, and the taxes paid upon them amounted to $76,460.41.
Increase Is Rapid.
The increase in the number of cars in the county from 1921, by year to year, is phenomenal. In that year there were but 4,463 autos in the county. In 1922 that number had increased to 5,692 and in 1923 it was 6,270. Last year the number was 6,930, as above stated. The population of the county, according to the 1920 enumeration was 22,421. The increase in cars this year will bring the number of benzine buggies owned in Brown county to above one for every third person, it is expected. This number would be 7,373.
More Should Be Junked.
Information from the secretary of state’s office is to the effect that approximately 30 cars in the county were junked during the past year. This is but about 10 per cent of the number than should be dismantled,according to percentages.
Brown County Journal,
January 16, 1925