

Exquisitely Flavored

Delicatessen Articles Are

Product of Andrew Saffert Meat Market.




Wholesale Department of

Business Is Expanding Rapidly. Surrounding Dealers Supplied.


Not satisfied to rest upon the laurels of his past achievements, which, by the way, have become famous through-out the state, Andrew Saffert, proprietor of the Popular meat market here, has demonstrated his progressive spirit by securing the services of a German expert sausage maker to come here from Chicago for several days and give a practical demonstration in the modern and greatly improved methods of making sausages of the very best quality and flavor, including some of these delicatessen articles never before manufactured or offered for sale in New Ulm.

Perfected Secret Method.

This German expert is Herman Mayer, who arrived in the United States from the Fatherland in 1921to introduce new and improved methods in curing meats for sausage, which produce an exquisite flavor. Mr. Mayer and his father, Josef Mayer, discovered the new procedure after a great deal of experimenting. They possess a secret formula for preparing sausage seasoning of all kinds, as well as meat curing salts. These gentlemen own a large establishment at Hamburg, Germany, where the seasoning spices are prepared and shipped to all parts of the world. They have refused tempting offers of very substantial sums for their secret formula. No less than 1,200 of the leading packers and sausage makers of the United States and Canada are now using the world-famous Josef Mayer sausage seasoning and meat curing salts.

Make Mouth Water.

Some of the new kinds of sausages which are now being made at the big Saffert plant, and which will be placed on sale in the meat market to-morrow, are: Tongue roulade, Chicken roulade, pork roll, Munich milk and egg pork sausage and new kinds of Cervelat and Salami summer sausage. The flavor of these delicatessen articles is so pleasing to the taste that the most hardened epicure would smack his lips for a second helping.

Special Laboratory.

In order to adapt his sausage manufacturing department to the improved new methods, Mr. Saffert will arrange a modern practical laboratory, which will occupy a room in the basement. This laboratory will be furnished and equipped in the most sanitary manner, in keeping with the entire establishment, and will be in charge of his son, Elmer Saffert. Here the various spices used in seasoning the many different kinds of sausages, as well as the meat curing salts will be mixed and prepared according to the Josef Mayer methods.

Expanding Business.

There is no doubt but that the addition of these facilities will greatly in-crease the demand for the high quality sausages manufactured in the Saffert plant. This product already enjoys an enviable reputation through-out Minnesota and the number of dealers who purchase sausages from Mr. Saffert in wholesale lots, is constantly growing. It is his intention to further expand this very important department of his business in the near future.

Bargain Counter.

As will be noticed in Mr. Saffert’s advertisement appearing elsewhere in this issue of the Journal, he has decided to arrange a special counter in his meat market, on which cheaper cuts of meat will be offered at unusual bargain prices. This bargain counter feature will be maintained every day, with additional special inducements on Saturdays. Mr. Saffert was prompted to inaugurate this innovation by the fact that warm weather makes the display of meat bargains in the show windows impossible.

Brown County Journal,

May 16, 1924



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