

Appropriate Public Exercises Will Be Held at New Ulm High School That Evening.





60 Boys of Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Grades in Competition for Generous Prizes.


Several months ago, a certain public spirited citizen of New Ulm, who declined to have his identity made known, decided to donate the liberal sum of $20, to be distributed in cash prizes to the manual training boys of the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth grades, who plan and construct the best bird homes. The amount has been divided into 11 awards, ranging from $3.50down to 50 cents each.

Threefold Purpose.

The arranging of this contest and the donation of such liberal cash prizes have a threefold purpose, name-ly: First, to foster and promote manual training work in the local schools; second, to encourage originality in designing and planning, and, third, to instill a spirit of friendly feeling to-ward our invaluable bird life.

60 Boys Entered.

The contest opened Monday,January 7, immediately following the holiday vacation. All of the boys of he Seventh,Eighth and Ninth grades, taking manual training in the public high school, whether pupils of the public or the parochial schools here, are given an equal opportunity to com-pete for the liberal cash awards. The details of the contest were prepared by Prof. H. Dirks, manual training instructor, and the innovation proved immediately popular, no less than 60boys having entered within a comparatively short time after the opening date.

Most of the contestants have shown throughout, and there are only a few of the bird houses incomplete. By far the greater number will be ready before the contest closes. It is expected that 50 or more will be on dis-play at that time.

In order to insure an absolutely the prize awards, the contest will be decided upon the following basis of judging: Originality and artistic mer-it,30 points; workmanship, 30 points; adaptability or fitness to purpose, 15points; a composition of between 150is designed, the best location of the house, and the value of that particular-making a total of 100 points.

Distribution of Prizes.

The prize money has been divided as follows:

Seventh Grade-First, $3.50; sec-ond, $2.00; third, $1.00; fourth, 50 cents.

Eighth Grade-First, $3.50; second,$2.00; third,$1.00; fourth, 50 cents.

Ninth Grade-First, $3.00; second $2.00; third, $1.00.

Contest Closes Wednesday.

The contest will close next Wednes-day, April 9, and the bird houses will be on display in the manual training department of the high school that evening. Beginning at 7:30 o’clock appropriate public exercises will be held n the high school auditorium, during which the prize awards will be made.Three competent judges have been secured to make these awards. The public in general, and especially the parents and friends of the contestants, are urgently requested to attend, thus lending their moral support and encouragement to the excellent work being done by the boys in the manual training department. There will be no admission charge.

Brown County Journal,

April 4, 1924



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