
Hagedorn’s health plan the right one

To the editor:

There’s an old adage that just because something is repeated over and over again doesn’t make it true.

Dan Feehan and the Democrats knowingly distorted Jim Hagedorn’s position on covering pre-existing conditions from attack ad one. It wasn’t true the first time they said it, and several million dollars later, it’s still not true.

The fact is, you can’t sell health insurance in Minnesota if you don’t cover pre-existing conditions. Period.

Simply put, Dan Feehan wants to put your health care into the hands of a bureaucratic system that can’t even distribute license tabs efficiently or competently program the MNSure computer system. He’s part of the same Party which promised if you liked your doctor and your insurance plan you could keep them while receiving annual savings of $2,500. So how’d that work out again?

Jim Hagedorn believes that creating incentives, transparency and competition in the health care system will result in more affordable care for all, including those with pre-existing conditions. His proposals will create more competition, not less, and give control of your health care choices to you, not the government.

History and common sense tells me Jim, not Dan, has the right solution.

Beth Griffis



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