
Highway 14/Highland Ave. roundabout may open Aug. 9

Staff photo by Fritz Busch Work continues Tuesday on the Highway 14/Highland Avenue roundabout project. MnDOT Construction Supervisor Todd Kjolstad said with favorable weather, the highway department plans to open the roundabout Friday, Aug. 9.

NEW ULM — With favorable weather, the Highway 14/Highland Avenue roundabout will be opened to traffic Friday, Aug. 9.

The $2.3 million, single-lane project with lighting, new sidewalk and trail to connect to existing locations was expected to be complete in late July but the weather threw curve balls at it.

“It seems like New Ulm has been a bull’s eye for lots of rain this summer. We’ve had quite a bit of rain the last few months. We know the road was something people looked forward to. We appreciate all the patience from drivers and business owners,” said Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) District 7 Construction Supervisor Todd Kjolstad.

“We got off to a bit of a rough start with the grading project due to the wet weather. You have to stabilize the road. It took a little time to drain. We anticipate curb and gutter work including median and sidewalks and bituminous work being done this week. MR Paving & Excavating of New Ulm has done an outstanding job working with us,” he said.

Kjolstad said a significant amount of lighting, striping and signage is planned for next week.

A 2020 study of the Highway 14/Highland Ave. intersection by MnDOT analyzed safety and traffic flow. With input from the City of New Ulm, local residents and businesses, the school district and other project stakeholders, MnDOT arrived at a single-lane roundabout design.

Project benefits include increased safety, improved traffic flow, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.

The New Ulm City Council unanimously approved the project last December. New Ulm City Engineer Joe Stadheim said the project will be paid for with previously allocated federal and state funds and not create any more financial impact on people via taxes or bond issuance.

For more information including live and time-lapse video of the project, visit https://app.truelook.cloud/?code=c5q3dk5b6utn3yeiumklzc2zu. For more project information: https://www.dot.state.mn.us/…hwy14…/index.html.


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